typedef struct ocp_nlp_plan_t ocp_nlp_plan_t#
Structure to store the configuration of a non-linear program.
typedef struct ocp_nlp_solver ocp_nlp_solver#
Structure to store the state/configuration for the non-linear programming solver.
enum ocp_nlp_solver_t#
Solution methods for optimal control problems.
enumerator SQP#
enumerator SQP_RTI#
enumerator DDP#
enumerator SQP#
enum ocp_nlp_dynamics_t#
Types of the system dynamics, discrete or continuous time.
enumerator DISCRETE_MODEL#
enum ocp_nlp_constraints_t#
Constraint types.
enumerator BGH#
Comprises simple bounds, polytopic constraints, general non-linear constraints.
enumerator BGP#
Comprises simple bounds, polytopic constraints, general non-linear constraints, and positive definite constraints.
enumerator BGH#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT ocp_nlp_plan_t *ocp_nlp_plan_create(int N)#
Constructs an empty plan struct (user nlp configuration), all fields are set to a default/invalid state.
- Parameters
N – Horizon length
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_plan_destroy(void *plan_)#
Destructor for plan struct, frees memory.
- Parameters
plan_ – The plan struct to destroy.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT ocp_nlp_config *ocp_nlp_config_create(ocp_nlp_plan_t plan)#
Constructs an nlp configuration struct from a plan.
- Parameters
plan – The plan (user nlp configuration).
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_config_destroy(void *config_)#
Desctructor of the nlp configuration.
- Parameters
config_ – The configuration struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT ocp_nlp_dims *ocp_nlp_dims_create(void *config_)#
Constructs an struct that contains the dimensions of the variables.
- Parameters
config_ – The configuration struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_dims_destroy(void *dims_)#
Destructor of The dimension struct.
- Parameters
dims_ – The dimension struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT ocp_nlp_in *ocp_nlp_in_create(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims)#
Constructs an input struct for a non-linear programs.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_in_destroy(void *in)#
Destructor of the inputs struct.
- Parameters
in – The inputs struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_in_set(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
Sets the sampling times for the given stage.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
in – The inputs struct.
stage – Stage number.
field – Has to be “Ts” (TBC other options).
value – The sampling times (floating point).
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_dynamics_model_set_external_param_fun(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *field, void *ext_fun)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_cost_model_set_external_param_fun(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *field, void *ext_fun)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_constraints_model_set_external_param_fun(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *field, void *ext_fun)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_in_set_params_sparse(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, int *idx, double *p, int n_update)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_in_get(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_dynamics_model_set(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *fun_type, void *fun_ptr)#
Sets the function pointers to the dynamics functions for the given stage.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
in – The inputs struct.
stage – Stage number.
fun_type – The name of the function type, either impl_ode_fun, impl_ode_fun_jac_x_xdot, impl_ode_jac_x_xdot_u (TBC)
fun_ptr – Function pointer to the dynamics function.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_cost_model_set(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
Sets the function pointers to the cost functions for the given stage.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
in – The inputs struct.
stage – Stage number.
field – The name of the field, either nls_res_jac, y_ref, W (others TBC)
value – Cost values.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_cost_model_get(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_constraints_model_set(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
Sets the function pointers to the constraints functions for the given stage.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
in – The inputs struct.
stage – Stage number.
field – The name of the field, either lb, ub (others TBC)
value – Constraints function or values.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_constraints_model_get(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_in *in, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT ocp_nlp_out *ocp_nlp_out_create(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims)#
Constructs an output struct for the non-linear program.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_out_destroy(void *out)#
Destructor of the output struct.
- Parameters
out – The output struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_out_set(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_out *out, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
Sets fields in the output struct of an nlp solver, used to initialize the solver.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
out – The output struct.
stage – Stage number.
field – The name of the field, either x, u, pi.
value – Initialization values.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_out_set_values_to_zero(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_out *out)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_out_get(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_out *out, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
Gets values of fields in the output struct of an nlp solver.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
out – The output struct.
stage – Stage number.
field – The name of the field, either x, u, z, pi.
value – Pointer to the output memory.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_get_at_stage(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_get_from_iterate(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, int iter, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_get_all(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *in, ocp_nlp_out *out, const char *field, void *value)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_set_all(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *in, ocp_nlp_out *out, const char *field, void *value)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_dims_get_from_attr(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_out *out, int stage, const char *field)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_constraint_dims_get_from_attr(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_out *out, int stage, const char *field, int *dims_out)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_cost_dims_get_from_attr(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_out *out, int stage, const char *field, int *dims_out)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_qp_dims_get_from_attr(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_out *out, int stage, const char *field, int *dims_out)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_dims_get_total_from_attr(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, ocp_nlp_out *out, const char *field)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void *ocp_nlp_solver_opts_create(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims)#
Creates an options struct for the non-linear program.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_solver_opts_destroy(void *opts)#
Destructor of the options.
- Parameters
opts – The options struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_solver_opts_set(ocp_nlp_config *config, void *opts_, const char *field, void *value)#
Sets an option.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
opts_ – The options struct.
field – Name of the option.
value – Value of the option.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_solver_opts_set_at_stage(ocp_nlp_config *config, void *opts_, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT ocp_nlp_solver *ocp_nlp_solver_create(ocp_nlp_config *config, ocp_nlp_dims *dims, void *opts_, ocp_nlp_in *nlp_in)#
Creates an ocp solver.
- Parameters
config – The configuration struct.
dims – The dimension struct.
opts_ – The options struct.
- Returns
The solver.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_solver_destroy(ocp_nlp_solver *solver)#
Destructor of the solver.
- Parameters
solver – The solver struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_solve(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *nlp_in, ocp_nlp_out *nlp_out)#
Solves the optimal control problem.
Call ocp_nlp_precompute before calling this functions (TBC).
- Parameters
solver – The solver struct.
nlp_in – The inputs struct.
nlp_out – The output struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_solver_reset_qp_memory(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *nlp_in, ocp_nlp_out *nlp_out)#
Resets the memory of the QP solver.
- Parameters
solver – The solver struct.
nlp_in – The inputs struct.
nlp_out – The output struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT int ocp_nlp_precompute(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *nlp_in, ocp_nlp_out *nlp_out)#
Performs precomputations for the solver.
Needs to be called before ocl_nlp_solve (TBC).
- Parameters
solver – The solver struct.
nlp_in – The inputs struct.
nlp_out – The output struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_eval_cost(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *nlp_in, ocp_nlp_out *nlp_out)#
Computes cost function value.
- Parameters
solver – The solver struct.
nlp_in – The inputs struct.
nlp_out – The output struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_eval_params_jac(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *nlp_in, ocp_nlp_out *nlp_out)#
Computes jacobian wrt params in all modules (preparation for solution sensitivities).
- Parameters
solver – The solver struct.
nlp_in – The inputs struct.
nlp_out – The output struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_eval_residuals(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *nlp_in, ocp_nlp_out *nlp_out)#
Computes the residuals.
- Parameters
solver – The solver struct.
nlp_in – The inputs struct.
nlp_out – The output struct.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_eval_param_sens(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, char *field, int stage, int index, ocp_nlp_out *sens_nlp_out)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_eval_lagrange_grad_p(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *nlp_in, const char *field, double *out)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_eval_solution_sens_adj_p(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, ocp_nlp_in *nlp_in, ocp_nlp_out *sens_nlp_out, const char *field, int stage, double *out)#
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_get(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, const char *field, void *return_value_)#
- Parameters
solver – The solver struct.
field – Supports “sqp_iter”, “status”, “nlp_res”, “time_tot”, …
return_value_ – Pointer to the output memory.
ACADOS_SYMBOL_EXPORT void ocp_nlp_set(ocp_nlp_solver *solver, int stage, const char *field, void *value)#
Sets the initial guesses for the integrator for the given stage.
- Parameters
solver – The ocp_nlp_solver struct.
stage – Stage number.
field – Supports “z_guess”, “xdot_guess” (IRK), “phi_guess” (GNSF-IRK)
value – The initial guess for the algebraic variables in the integrator (if continuous model is used).
struct ocp_nlp_plan_t
- #include <ocp_nlp_interface.h>
Structure to store the configuration of a non-linear program.
Public Members
ocp_qp_solver_plan_t ocp_qp_solver_plan#
QP solver configuration.
sim_solver_plan_t *sim_solver_plan#
Simulation solver configuration for each stage.
ocp_nlp_solver_t nlp_solver#
Nlp solver type.
ocp_nlp_reg_t regularization#
Regularization type, defaults to no regularization.
ocp_nlp_globalization_t globalization#
Globalization type, defaults to fixed step.
ocp_nlp_cost_t *nlp_cost#
Cost type for each stage.
ocp_nlp_dynamics_t *nlp_dynamics#
Dynamics type for each stage.
ocp_nlp_constraints_t *nlp_constraints#
Constraints type for each stage.
int N#
Horizon length.
ocp_qp_solver_plan_t ocp_qp_solver_plan#
struct ocp_nlp_solver
- #include <ocp_nlp_interface.h>
Structure to store the state/configuration for the non-linear programming solver.