# About `acados` `acados` is a software package for the efficient solution of optimal control and estimation problems. It is the successor of the [`ACADO`](https://acado.github.io/) software package developed at KU Leuven and University of Freiburg by the team of Prof. Moritz Diehl. It provides a collection of computationally efficient building blocks tailored to optimal control and estimation problems. Among others, it implements: modules for the integration of ordinary differential equations (ODE) and differential-algebraic equations (DAE), interfaces to state-of-the-art QP solvers like [`HPIPM`](https://github.com/giaf/hpipm), `qpOASES`, `qpDUNES` and [`OSQP`](https://github.com/oxfordcontrol/osqp), condensing routines and nonlinear programming solvers based on the real-time iteration framework. The back-end of acados uses the high-performance linear algebra package [`BLASFEO`](https://blasfeo.syscop.de/), in order to boost computational efficiency for small to medium scale matrices typical of embedded optimization applications. `MATLAB`, `Octave` and `Python` interfaces can be used to conveniently describe optimal control problems and generate self-contained C code that can be readily deployed on embedded platforms. ## Further Reading For more information see - the paper [acados – a modular open-source framework for fast embedded optimal control, Verschueren 2019](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.13753) - or other papers stated under [Citing](https://docs.acados.org/citing.html) and - [Papers featuring `acados`](https://docs.acados.org/list_of_projects/index.html#papers-featuring-acados).